The fastest and easiest way to manage multiple email accounts
• One of the highest rated Chrome extensions - featured many times on PCWorld
• Trusted developer of many extensions - more than one million satisfied users worldwide
• Lots of features, options and updates
• Personal tech support from me (the developer) - very fast response times
• Supports "Inbox by Gmail"
• I'll add your suggestions
• Safer - requires less permissions and only access to Google Mail's website
• See the people emailing you just like in the Gmail chat notification, with an option to show their contact photos or your assigned photos for them.
• Voice notification: If you get an email while you're busy watching a movie or cooking dinner this extension can optionally read it out loud ie. "Jason says, dinner at my place". It's great for the visually impaired.
• Option to monitor any Gmail or custom labels
• Option to run in background when Google Chrome is closed and still get new email alerts
• Popup mail preview window to read, archive, mark as read or delete emails without leaving the current tab (or option to go directly to your Gmail tab)
• Can also be used as a widget for the extension "Awesome New Tab Page" (ANTP) which supports multiple accounts
• Desktop sound or voice notifications when new mail arrives (or add your own sounds)
• Support for multiple Gmail and Google Apps accounts
• Option to open "Mail to" links in your Gmail instead of your regular mail client
• This Gmail notifier has more than 10 different icon sets, choose your favorite!
• You change the generated voice by adding TTS (text to speech) voice extensions
• The fast way to inbox zero. Yes that's a thing.